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来源:成都日报 2019-07-31 01:58   https://www.yybnet.net/




With a long history and splendid culture, Chengdu is located in the western part of the Sichuan Basin and in the hinterland of Chengdu Plain. The river network of Chengdu is vertical and horizontal, the products here are rich, and the agriculture is developed. Since ancient times, it has reputation of "the land of abundance". Chengdu is in the first batch of national historical and cultural city, one of the best tourist cities in China and also the starting point of the Southern Silk Road. The history of more than 2600 years has nurtured may places of interest such as Dujiangyan, Wuhou Temple, Dufu Caotang and Jinsha Site. Chengdu was built as a city in the middle of the 5th century BC. It became one of the six major cities in China during the Western Han Dynasty. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Chengdu people jointly issued the world's earliest banknotes, "Jiaozi", and the government established the world's earliest management savings bank, "Jiaozi Wu".

杜甫草堂(Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum)


Located in the banks of Huanhua River, Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum is the former residence of the Chinese Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, who had lived here for nearly four years and had created more than 240 poems. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the poet Wei Zhuang found the ruins of the Thatched Cottage, he re-established the huts, and made it preserved. The Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties had been renovated and expanded it.

武侯祠(Wuhou Shrine)


When Chengdu Wuhou Temple began to build the mausoleum of Liu Bei in 223 A.D., it was the only mausoleum where the monarch and his courtier shared a palace in China and also it was the memorial place for the most prestigious Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei. Besides, it is also the most influential museum of the Three Kingdoms in the world. The Wuhou Shrine Cultural Relics Area is mainly composed of Huiling,Han Zhaolie Temple, Sanyi Temple, etc.Time passed, the existing main building was restored in the 11th year of Qing Emperor Kangxi (1672).

本报记者 杜文婷


四川映汶高速宣布8月1日起恢复收费 曾因泥石流停收6年



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